
Monday, October 19, 2009


Your breath has a shape
like a fingerprint
no two alike
in all the world.
Everything about you
is found in your breath
all your lives
and deaths,
all your thoughts.
Think of your body
as gone,
only breath remains
it has an in stop
and an out stop
and contains so much more
than air.
If we could know one another
by our breaths
if we could see the human crowd
as a throng of breaths,
nothing else,
hello jagged anxious breath
how are you
hello smooth relaxed breath
nice to see you
the human race is
a breath collective
today some will arrive
today some will depart
lungs are merely homes
like hands fill gloves
everything sacred, every dark secret
lives in the breath
and when it leaves your body
it is a system of information
like a letter full of you,
air mail, breath mail.
I would tell you more of this
if I knew any more
but this is as far as I’ve got
in learning the nature of breath.

1 comment:

  1. An unusual concept. Not sure how true. If one's breath is completely analysed I guess it could say a few things about health but not completely. No one has ever said 'Breathe into this, We want to check your lungs and stomach'. If you are talking about 'life force' (God breathed into Adam'?) then maybe we are talking about personality?
    As for smoking, I never have. So I guess I am not the one to comment!
    An interesting talking point.


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